the territory in-between: 6. Deleuze Studies Conference

Traditionally, the concept of territory emerged both from the ethology of animal aggression and from a geopolitics of nations and their borders. Against this double root, the works of Deleuze/Guattari aimed for the idea of a transcendental earth, where expression is previous to aggression, and deterritorialized people more fundamental than any nation. Territory becomes a fundamental concept for several domains of thought. From this expressive conception of nature, the concept of territory and the twin concept of deterritorialization, allowed an immense theoretical shift beyond its strictly biological context, expanding its operative to a multitude of political, epistemological, aesthetic or anthropological problems.

This conference intends to think all those problems, departing from the concept of territory, and spreading to its multiple political, aesthetic, and scientific ramifications. But it intends to do so in a transversal way, excavating through all its more intriguing hiding places, and exploring all its possibilities, intricacies, configurations and connections. With this, we aim not only to deepen our knowledge of Deleuze’s theoretical legacy, but more importantly, to think the current moment in politics, art, metaphysics and science. In order to do so, this conference aims to bring together a wide range of researchers in philosophy, science, art and politics.

Preceding the conference, students can participate in the Deleuze Camp 7, which will take place from 1-5 July 2013, Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal.

Call For Papers

We welcome individual abstracts as well as panel proposals.
Possible approaches may include, among others:

  • Territory and contemporary metaphysics
  • Time, space and territory
  • Territory and artistic creation
  • Politics and territory
  • Territory and sense
  • Territorialized and deterritorialized bodies
  • Territory and its cartographies
  • Territory and Law

Important Dates



Friday, February 1st, 2013 (GMT)


Friday, February 15th, 2013 (GMT)

Abstract proposals must be less than 300 words. Submissions must be in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format. Include a title providing the author’s name, institution, and contact information




Friday, February 1st, 2013 (GMT


Friday, February 15th, 2013 (GMT)

Panel proposals must be less than 500 words and must include a brief description. Submissions must be in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format. Include a title providing each participants name, institution, and contact information. Length of individual presentations are to be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes.


Das Vermögen des Körpers, die Wirklichkeit des Denkens und das Prinzip der Intensität.

Das Vermögen des Körpers, die Wirklichkeit des Denkens

und das Prinzip der Intensität.

Gilles Deleuze und Spinoza.


Eine Tagung der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, des

Philosophischen Instituts der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg und des Département de Philosophie der Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre,


vom 24. 5. bis 26. 5. 2013 in Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Leucorea

Lektüretagung Spinoza_Deleuze (PDF)

Workshop: Gilles Deleuze’s Nietzsche and Philosophy: Fifty Years On (9 November 2012, University of Warwick)

On Friday 9 November, the Philosophy Department at the University of Warwick will host a one-day workshop on the topic of Gilles Deleuze’sNietzsche and Philosophy:
Fifty years ago, Gilles Deleuze published his second book, a monograph on Nietzsche. In this book, Deleuze poses Nietzsche’s philosophy as an attempt to rethink Kant’s project as an alternative to Hegel’s. In his reading of Nietzsche, Deleuze develops his philosophy in contrast to the Hegelian dialectic and develops extensively for the first time a philosophy of affirmation. In addition to developing many of Nietzsche’s concepts, features of Deleuze’s later philosophy (e.g. new and dogmatic images of thought) appear for the first time in Nietzsche and Philosophy. However, the book has been marginalised in many areas of scholarship: by Hegelian scholars who reject Deleuze’s polemical stance against Hegel; by Nietzschean scholars who regard the book warily as too systematic a reading of Nietzsche’s philosophy; and by Deleuzian scholars who prefer those later works in which Deleuze “does philosophy” as opposed to his earlier, historical works.
The aims of the workshop are philosophical as well as historical: through close readings of the text and of scholarship about the text, papers will: (i) critically engage with the problems and tensions which occupy Deleuze in this work; (ii) and critically assess and evaluate the importance of this work both in its contribution to past and present Nietzschean and Deleuzian scholarship.

Anyone interested in attending this event should contact Keith Ansell-Pearson ( or Simon Scott ( for further information. There is a £5 registration fee for the workshop to cover the costs of providing tea and coffee and basic administrative costs. Places for the workshop are limited, and you are advised to register your interest as soon as possible.

First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference

The First International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference will be held at Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, from May 31-June 2, 2013. The theme of the conference will be “Creative Assemblage” (for more detail, please visit the conference website.

The deadline for submitting  paper/panel proposal will be February 1, 2013. Before the conference, there will be a five-day Deleuze Camp, running from May 25-29, 2013. Seven seminars conducted by internationally renowned Deleuze scholars will deal with issues such as creative assemblages, image, art, aesthetics, schizoanalysis, and biology. Ian Buchanan, Jeffrey Bell, Claire Colebrook, Patricia Pisters, John Protevi, Anne
Sauvagnargues, and Kailin Yang will each lead a seminar with four sessions. For more of the camp, please visit the website .
As there are limited slots for the camp, registration will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

Deleuze, Pragmatism and Post-Kantian Thought Conference

The Deleuze, Pragmatism and Post-Kantian Thought Conference will be a point of convergence for a number of philosophical demands and developments. Firstly, there is at present a need for a sustained exploration of the relationship between Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy and the tradition of American Pragmatism. There is a surprising lack of literature on this topic, despite the fact that Deleuze refers to Pragmatism and cites James and Peirce in a number of places. There are also clear but as yet unexplored overlaps between Deleuzian and Pragmatist approaches to philosophical concepts such as truth, meaning and experience. Secondly, a sizeable amount of work is currently emerging on Deleuze’s relationship to the tradition of post-Kantian thought. Deleuze’s work on Kant and Nietzsche has received a substantial amount of attention, but a number of novel studies have also recently appeared on Deleuze’s reading of Maimon, and the complex and not merely hostile relationship that Deleuze has to Hegel. Finally, there has in recent years been a revival in American Pragmatist thought and the birth of what is now being called Neo-Pragmatism or the New Pragmatism. Moreover, in the work of Rorty and Brandom in particular, this Neo-Pragmatism has taken on a specifically post-Kantian and Hegelian flavour. The conjunction of these demands and developments thus cry out for further exploration and present us with an opportunity to develop and extend new lines of philosophical inquiry.
When and Where
9am – 5.30pm
(Registration from 8.30am)
December 17-18, 2012
Deakin University – Melbourne City Centre
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Confirmed Speakers
Prof. Anne Sauvagnargues (Paris 10), Prof. James Williams (Dundee), Prof. Claire Colebrook (Penn State/UNSW), Prof. Paul Patton (UNSW), A/Prof. Daniel W. Smith (Purdue), A/Prof. Gregory Flaxman (North Carolina), Dr Simon Duffy (Yale-NUS/Sydney), Dr Daniela Voss (Free University of Berlin), Dr Craig Lundy (Wollongong), Dr Jack Reynolds (La Trobe), Dr Jon Roffe (Melbourne), Dr Geoff Boucher (Deakin), Dr Janice Baker (Deakin), Dr Sean Bowden (Deakin), Mr Yubraj Ayral (Purdue), Ms Talia Morag (Sydney).
Attendance and Cost
Registration is compulsory but the conference is open to all and is free to attend on both days. Lunch and morning and afternoon tea will be provided.
Registration is required by Wednesday the 5th of December for catering purposes. Please register by contacting and providing your name, affiliation, and which days you will be attending (subject line: DPPKT Conference). For all other enquiries, please contact Sean Bowden at

CFP: Bewegungsbilder nach Deleuze.

Wir wollen mit unserem Symposion dem deutschsprachigen Diskurs einen Anstoß geben und Deleuze, der keine Schule gründen wollte, gerecht werden, indem wir dazu einladen, ihn weiter zu denken. D.h. die Beiträge des Symposions sollen Deleuze nicht bloß wiederholen, sondern sich auf Materialien beziehen, die erst nach der Veröffentlichung der Kino-Bücher entstanden sind. Dabei kann es sich um die Werke jüngerer Filmautoren handeln wie Jim Jarmusch, Wong Kar-Wei oder Tom Tykwer oder auch um neue Formate wie durch Serien wie Die Sopranos, The Wire oder Breaking Bad entwickelt worden sind. Eignen sich Deleuzes Begriffe, Einsichten und Werkzeuge zur Analyse neuerer Produktionen? Oder zwingen die Widerworte, die sie geben, zur Veränderung der Theorie? Was weicht ab? Was bewegt sich? Zugrunde liegt unserem Symposion die Einsicht, dass Deleuzes komplexe und dichte Filmphilosophie film- und medien-, sozial- und erziehungswissenschaflichen Diskursen noch heute neue Denkanstöße geben kann, wenn man ihr nur Gelegenheit dazu gibt.

Die Tagung wird am Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt vom 26.9 bis 28.9. 2012 stattfinden. Bitte, senden Sie Ihre Abstracts an Olaf Sanders ( und Rainer Winter (